Property allocation mechanism

Property Allocation Mechanism


Doge Ville, a groundbreaking metaverse game, introduces a novel approach to property allocation that intertwines with the exciting world of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). This whitepaper outlines the mechanisms and strategies behind property allocation in Doge Ville, emphasizing the role of Character NFTs and Dogemaps in this immersive virtual world.

Character NFTs: Your Passport to Doge Ville

To participate in the Doge Ville universe, players must first acquire a Character NFT. These digital assets are not just avatars but serve as the player's identity and passport within the game. Owning a Character NFT is the primary prerequisite for property ownership in Doge Ville.

Dogemaps: The Key to Desirable Properties

The Role of Dogemaps

Upon the game's launch, owning a Dogemap becomes crucial. A Dogemap is a unique NFT that must reside in the same wallet as the player's Character NFT. It acts as a guide and a determinant for property allocation.

Inscription Number: The Determinant of Desirability

The desirability and attractiveness of a property in Doge Ville are directly linked to the inscription number of the Dogemap. For example:

  • Sub 10k Dogemap: Holders of these maps are allocated the most desirable properties. They represent a premium tier with exclusive access to prime locations in Doge Ville.

  • Sub 100k Dogemap: These maps offer access to a wider range of properties. While still valuable, the properties allocated to holders of Sub 100k Dogemaps are less exclusive than those allocated to Sub 10k holders.

Basically lower Dogemap inscription number = better property allocation

Allocation Process

Upon the game's launch, properties will be automatically allocated to players based on the inscription number of their Dogemap. This process ensures a fair and transparent distribution of properties, rewarding early adopters and those invested in more premium Dogemaps.

Post-Allocation Dynamics: Trade and Value

Freedom to Trade

After the initial property allocation, Doge Ville offers complete freedom in property trading. Players can buy and sell properties at prices they set, fostering an active and dynamic real estate market within the game.

Economic Implications

This free-market approach allows for the natural evolution of property values, influenced by demand, location desirability, and the game's overall economy. It provides players with opportunities for investment, trade, and growth within the Doge Ville universe.

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