Project profitability

Long-Term Project Profitability

Phase 1: Transaction-Based Revenue

Property Transaction Fees

  • Mechanism: A fee will be charged on the sale of properties within Doge Ville.

  • Rate: The fee is set at 5% of the approximate value of the Dogemap associated with the property.

  • Example: If a property linked to a Sub 10k Dogemap (valued at $300 at the time of writing) is sold, the fee would be 5% of $300.

  • Currency: Fees will be collected in Dogecoin.

  • Dynamic Pricing: These rates are subject to change based on future DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) voting, allowing for community-driven financial governance.

Marketplace Transaction Fees

  • Mechanism: A separate fee structure for sales in the Doge Ville marketplace.

  • Rate: A nominal fee of 1% of the item's value.

  • Currency: Like property transaction fees, marketplace fees will also be paid in Dogecoin.


This phase focuses on establishing a stable income stream from the game's core activities, ensuring the project's sustainability and providing funds for ongoing development and maintenance.

Phase 2: Expansion to In-Game Activities

Introduction of New Revenue Streams

In Phase 2, Doge Ville will introduce various in-game activities and missions, creating additional revenue streams. These could include, but are not limited to, special events, exclusive missions, and other engaging content that enhances the player experience.

Revenue from Activities

  • Activities and Missions: These will be designed to be both engaging for players and profitable for the game, ensuring a balance between enjoyment and economic viability.

  • Diverse Opportunities: The activities will cater to different player interests and skills, offering a variety of ways to engage with the game world and contribute to its economy.

Long-Term Benefits

This phase aims to diversify revenue sources, ensuring the game's longevity and continuous appeal. By offering varied and immersive experiences, Doge Ville will maintain player engagement and attract new users, contributing to the overall health of the game's economy.

Last updated